Yapay Zeka-1

muhStatic: Static Calculation for Pipes

We have accomplished the statically calculation of buried pipe based on the ATV DVWK-A127 standard. Our software provides all needs of the ATV A127 standard. According to our clients’ preferences, we can provide English, Italian and Turkish versions of our software.

Free and on-site training will be given to our clients on a date determined by them after they purchase the software.

We also provide assistance to our clients during pipe profile optimization process. Values such as pipe profile cross-section measures (e.g. moment of inertia, moment of resistance) are being calculated and they are stored into the software’s library.

Piping Consultancy

Buried pipe systems calculations. (ATV-DVWK standards, ASTM standards)

In accordance with international standards, design of buried pipes, static calculations, hydraulic calculations. Infrastructure drinking water, sewage, central heating projects and calculations are our main consulting topics.
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